Confidence, they say is the best hairstyle and it can also be expressed by rocking your 4C curls with all the pride there is in you.

However, if you have ever been in a place of doubts and uncertainty about your 4C hair, don’t let it get to you, we have all been there at some points in our hair journey. I’m not leaving you just like that, girl. Hold my hands as I put you through 7 ways you can build the much needed confidence with your 4c curls

Your Mind, Girl:

Before you’d ever feel confident about your 4C, there’s got to be a shift somewhere around that soul. Go girl! You got this! Your cols and kinks are just as beautiful as heaven! Tell that to yourself every time you think of your 4C! Let it stick and stay.

Practice Styling your 4C:

Mama would say “practice makes perfect” Oh Well, this is one of those situations we can‘t simply let the wind decide. Put yourself before a mirror at those lazy moments and try out something really cute. It might look really messy at first trial, oh well; how about a second or third? Yes, your hair is worth the time. Practice these 40 low manipulation styles with your 4C curls

Sign up with a Community:

Like minds like mine? Yes! Joining a natural hair community filled with like-minded people isn’t a wrong idea to boost your confidence. Here you could garner hair tips and tricks and really just connect with good folks. Creating a media platform like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook could be a great idea after this read.

Be Nice About Your Hair:

There’s power in every word spoken. More so, there’s confidence vested in every word said about your hair. Speak well about your hair. Drop those negative and derogatory terms and start talking about how much you love your 4c. Make it a date to say something good about your curls everyday. Writing out several reasons why your hair is lovely would help on a “rainy” day.

Your Hair Care Routine:

Creating an effective hair care routine can seem too of a workload for some girls, but it’s part of learning how to love and wear your natural hair confidently. A routine helps you to know what your hair needs and what works for your hair.


Rock! Rock !! Rock!!!

This is where you build it with your actions! Rock your 4c! Oh yes, rock them. This might not happen every other day, but, this here requires a lot of intentional plans as to when you would let your 4c crown your appearance . Why not try out videos, selfies and snapshots. You might just be too confident after your first few tries

No Worries: Experiment with Natural Hair Extensions:

“Little steps to the right direction” we say. Many girls feel ridiculous to rock their 4c especially when they think of how thin or short their hair is. Natural hair extensions double as cute transitional tools but help you style out your desired effect. Rather than straightening your 4c with heat, this might just serve cool! Check out some amazing hair extensions here

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